Robohead API Documentation - Task

REST API Documentation for Task module

 EP : Extended Permissions

 +  : Consider the permission with + and all permissions above it.
       Permission hierarchy : Account Admin > Project Manager > Project Member > Contact
       Object (Project) security hierarchy : Manage > Contribute > View

Following are filter details to be used for Task list calls. Pass filter column name to parameter filterColumn. Then provide what type of filter is to be applied like 'is' or 'is not' or 'not in' etc. This value is to be passed in the comparatorId parameter. Pass filter value in parameter filterValue. If filter value is of option type, then pass comma separated option Ids. Every column has a type. Hence pass this type in the parameter fieldType.

   filterColumn    : Field Id of the standard column on which filter is to be applied.
   comparatorId    : Comaparators that can be used for the column.
                     Give call to ListFieldComparator of Form module to get list of comparators.
                     Provide column type as fieldTypeId to the call.
                     It will return list of comparators that can use for the field.
   filterValue     : Type of filter value that can be provide to the column.
   fieldType       : Type of column.
                       Following are the types of columns and their ids :
                       1 : text
                       3 : number
                       4 : date
                       7 : single select
                       9 : multi select

Following are the filter types for task list. The filter will be applicable for the API calls mentioned in the Calls section.

         Column name: Task Name
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: name
             fieldType: 1
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

         Column name: Task Description
         Calls: ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: description
             fieldType: 1
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

         Column name: Task Order Id
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: taskOrderId
             fieldType: 1
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

         Column name: Project Name
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListUserTask, ExportUserTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: projectName
             fieldType: 1
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

         Column name: Project Number
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: projectNumber
             fieldType: 1
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

         Column name: Start Date
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask,  ListSearchTask, ExportList,ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: startDate
             fieldType: 4
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

         Column name: Due Date
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask,ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: dueDate
             fieldType: 4
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

         Column name: Task Status
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList,ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: taskStatus
             fieldType: 9
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide comma separated status Ids.(Give call to GetListByType of List Module to get status list. Provide input type as 17)

         Column name: Actual Hours Worked
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: hrsWorked
             fieldType: 3
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type integer

         Column name: Estimated Hours
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: estimatedTime
             fieldType: 3
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type integer

         Column name: Created On
         Calls: ListOpenTask, ListCompletedTask, ListTask, ExportList, ExportOpenTaskList, ExportCompletedTaskList
             filterColumn: createdOn
             fieldType: 4
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

         Column name: Task Users
         Calls: ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask
             filterColumn: taskUsers
             fieldType: 9
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide comma separated user Ids. (Give call to ListTaskAssignee to get user list)

         Column name: Task Role
         Calls: ListTask, ListUserTask, ListSearchTask, ExportList, ExportUserTask, ExportSearchTask
             filterColumn: taskRoleId
             fieldType: 7
             comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
             filterValue: Provide role Id. (Give call to ListForListType of account module to get role list. Provide input listType as 5.)
      {"id":Provide field Id,
       "workType":Provide 1(for task) or 2(for todo)},
      {"id":1360,"value":"project new "},

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