Robohead API Documentation - Review

REST API Documentation - Review Module

 EP : Extended Permissions
 +  : Consider the permission and all permissions above it.
     Permission sequence is : Account Admin > Project Manager > Project Member > Contact

Following are review types and their refrence Ids

 Comments/Feedback : 1
 Request Approval  : 2

Following are review status and their reference Ids for Comments/Feedback type.

 Not Started : 1
 In Progress : 2
 Completed   : 3

Following are review status and their reference Ids for Request Approval type

 Not Started                         : 1
 In Progress                         : 2
 Completed and approved              : 3
 Completed and approved with changes : 4
 Completed and denied                : 5

Following are the reviewer status and their refrence Ids

 Initial Status              : 0
 Notification Email Received : 1
 Approved                    : 2
 Rejected                    : 3
 Approved With Changes       : 4
 Opened                      : 5
 Began                       : 6
 Completed                   : 7

Following are the review stage status and their refrence Ids

 Not Started               : 1
 In Progress               : 2
 Completed                 : 3

Following are the review version status

 Pending               : 1
 Approved              : 2
 Denied                : 3
 Approved with changes : 4

Following are filter details to be used for Task list calls. Pass filter column name to parameter filterColumn. Then provide what type of filter is to be applied like 'is' or 'is not' or 'not in' etc. This value is to be passed in the comparatorId parameter. Pass filter value in parameter filterValue. If filter value is of option type, then pass comma separated option Ids. Every column has a type. Hence pass this type in the parameter fieldType.

 filterColumn    : Field Id of the standard column on which filter is to be applied.
 comparatorId    : Comaparators that can be used for the column.
                   Give call to ListFieldComparator of Form module to get list of comparators.
                   Provide column type as fieldTypeId to the call.
                   It will return list of comparators that can use for the field.
 filterValue     : Type of filter value that can be provide to the column.
 fieldType       : Type of column.
                   Following are the types of columns and their ids :
                                  1 : text
                                  3 : number
                                  4 : date
                                  7 : single select
                                  9 : multi select

Following are the filter types for task list. The filter will be applicable for the API calls mentioned in the Calls section.

    Column name: Review Name
       filtercolumn: reviewName
       fieldType: 1
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

    Column name: Project Name
       filtercolumn: projectName
       fieldType: 1
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

    Column name: Formatted project number
       filtercolumn: formattedProjectNumber
       fieldType: 1
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

    Column name: Number of comments
      filtercolumn: numComments
      fieldType: 3
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Provide filter value of type integer

    Column name: Review Type
      filtercolumn: reviewTypeString
      fieldType: 7
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Give call to GetListByType of List module and pass type = 23 to get review types. This will return list of review types. Pass the number specified in the 'value' parameter of the response.

    Column name: Review created by
      filtercolumn: createdBy
      fieldType: 7
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Provide user id. Give call to ListAccountActiveUser of user module to get list of active users.

    Column name: Review Status
      filtercolumn: statusString
      fieldType: 9
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Give call to GetListByType of List module and pass type = 25 to get review status. This will return list of review status. Pass the number specified in the 'value' parameter of the response. If multiple values specify comma separated value list, like 1,2,3.

    Column name: Review file progress
      filtercolumn: progressString
      fieldType: 9
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Provide comma separated Ids of the following,
                    1(not ready)
                    2(file processing complete)
                    3(file processing failed)
                    4(reviewers notified)
                    7(file not uploaded)

    Column name: Review start date
      filtercolumn: startDate
      fieldType: 4
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

    Column name: Review end date
      filtercolumn: endDate
      fieldType: 4
      comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
      filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

Following are filter details for review all comments list,

     Column name: Reviewer
       filtercolumn: author
       fieldType: 9
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide comma separated user Ids. Give call to ListAccountActiveUser of user module to get list of active users.

     Column name: Review created on
       filtercolumn: created_on
       fieldType: 4
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type date

     Column name: Review file name
       filtercolumn: fileId
       fieldType: 1
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type string

     Column name: Review version
       filtercolumn: version
       fieldType: 3
       comparatorId: Provide comparator Id from the list.
       filterValue: Provide filter value of type integer

Following are review upload types and their refrence Ids.

 Review item upload from computer  : 1
 Review item upload website by URL : 2
 Review item upload website as zip : 3
 Review item upload zip            : 4
 Review item added from project    : 5
 Review item added from library    : 6

Following is the json format for review item add and update with an example. You can add multiple items.

     {"id":Provide item Id. If new Item pass 0,
     "reviewItemId":Provide item Id. If new Item pass 0,
     "fileName": Provide file name,
     "createdOn": Provide review item created date,
     "version":Provide version number. When Item added for first time version will be 1 always,
     "uploadType":Refer to Review Upload Types,
     "fileSize":Provide file size where ever applicable,
     "isDefaultThumbnail":Provide if you want to set item as default thumbani for the review 1(true) / 2(false),
     "isNewVersion":In case of update if adding new vesrion to the item set as 1(true) or else set 2(false),
     "fileId":Provide file Id to upload,
     "optionalTitle":Optional title if any,
     "processEntireWebsite":This parameter is required in case of upload as url. If you want to process entire website pass 1(true) or else pass (2)false,
     "enableAnnotation":This parameter is required in case of upload as url. Set 1(true) is you want to enabel annotation or else set 2(false),
     "sourceFileId":Pass source file Id. This parameter is required when file is uplaoded from project or library,
     "sourceObjectType":Pass object type 3(for project) / 4(for Library). This parameter is required when file is to be uploaded from project or campaign,
     "sortOrder":Provide sort order for your item,
     "thumbnailUrl":Pass thumbnail url of the file in case of modify for already added files,
     "reviewVersionId":Pass review version Id for already added version. This parameter required in case of modify review,
     "description": Add description to the item if any.
     "fileSize":"0.01 MB",

Following is the json format for review Stage add and update with an example. You can add multiple review stages.

    "stageName": Stage name,
    "stageDueDate": stage due date in mm/dd/yyyy format,
    "notifyMeOnResponseSubmission": Provide 1(true) / 2(false) if review creator should be notified or not on response submission. Default is 2(false),
    "notifyCommentAuthorOnReply": Provide 1(true) / 2(false) to notify comment author on reply or not.Default is 2(false),
    "downloadFlag": Provide 1(true) / 2(false) to allow download of review items or not.Default is 2(false),
    "showResponsesToAllReviewers": Provide 1(true) / 2(false) if you want to show response to all reviewers or not. Default is 2(false),
    "requireDigitalSignature": Provide 1(true) / 2(false) if you want to approve review with digital signature. Default is 2(false),
    "existingUsers": Provide comma separated user Ids(reviewers) from the present users list,
    "existingCCUsers": Provide comma separated user Ids(reviewers) from the present users list,
    "emailSubject": Provide email subject,
    "emailMessage": Provide email message,
    "id": Provide stage Id in case of upate. If new Item pass 0 ,
    "stageStatus": Provide status Id. Refer to Review Stage Status here
    "stageName": "Stage 2",
    "stageDueDate": "03/18/2020",
    "startStageCondition": 3,
    "notifyMeOnResponseSubmission": 1,
    "notifyCommentAuthorOnReply": 1,
    "downloadFlag": 1,
    "showResponsesToAllReviewers": 1,
    "requireDigitalSignature": 1,
    "existingUsers": "10292,89604,78185",
    "existingCCUsers": "10293,89605,78189",
    "emailSubject": "Stage 2",
    "emailMessage": "Stage 2",
    "id": 548130,
    "stageStatus": 3

Following is the list of output columns for review list call,


Following are Autocomplete Options Ids.

 When all reviewers Finish the Review  : 1
 Do not autocomplete the Review : 2
 When all reviewers Approve the Review : 3
 When all reviewers Approve or Approve with Changes  : 4

Paths List all operations