Robohead API Documentation - Report

REST API Documentation - Report Module

 EP : Extended Permissions

 +  : Consider the permission and all permissions above it.
       Permission sequence : Account Admin > Project Manager > Project Member > Contact

Following are report types and their refrence Ids.

Campaign         : 231
Request          : 232
Project          : 233
Task             : 234
Review           : 235
Time             : 236
Expense All      : 237
Expense Budgeted : 356
Expense Actual   : 357
Approval         : 381
Time & Expenses  : 469
Activity         : 472

Following are report formats and their refrence Ids.

HTML format                   : 1
Excel format without grouping : 2
Excel format with grouping    : 3

Following is the json format for report criteria with an example. You can provide more than one criterias. Give call to ReportAvailableFieldList of report module get list of fields ie cloumns and their Ids. Filter can be applied to any of these fields depending on their types.

To get operator list for the field give call to ListFieldComparator of form module and provide field type Id in parameter 'fieldTypeId', provide mode 'report'. Then provide the operator Id which is to be set for the filter, in parameter 'operatorId'.

Provide operator type in parameter 'operatorType'.

Provide field type Id in parameter 'fieldType'.

Provide value for the filter depending on the type of field in parameter 'value'.

    {"fieldId": Provide field Id on which you want to apply criteria,
     "operatorId": Provide operator Id,
     "operatorType": Provide operator type,
     "fieldType": Provide field type,
     "value": Provide criteria value},


Following are the report scheduling frequencies with their refrence Ids.

DAILY   : 1

Following are the metrics types and their refrence Ids.

Project/Request by status : 316
Active projects           : 317
Active Campaign           : 318
Active Review             : 319
Active Task               : 320

Following are the sample JSON

    "reportId": 1001,
    "reportName": "Request-Activity-Report"
    "reportId": 1002,
    "reportName": "Request-Activity-Report-2"

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