Robohead API Documentation - Note

REST API Documentation - Note Module

 EP : Extended Permissions

 +  : Consider the permission with + and all permissions above it.
       Permission hierarchy : Account Admin > Project Manager > Project Member > Contact

Following are object types and their Ids where notes can be added,

       Request  = 2
       Project  = 3
       Client   = 5
       Campaign = 6
       Task     = 9
       Review   = 10
       File     = 12
       Todo     = 13

Using Following process we can create & apply filters. To Create, update, delete filters please refer this.

To apply filter need to pass 'userFilterId' in project list Request.

There are two filter Actions comes under 'filterAction' parameter. For Ad-hoc = 1, Save & Apply Filter OR Update & Apply Filter = 2.

Following are the filter details for note list calls,

   Column Name : Filter on note author
          comparatorId : Provide comparator Id.
                         Give call to ListFieldComparator of form module to get list of comparators.
                         Provide fieldTypeId = 9 to the call.
                         It will return list of comparators, then provide one of the required comparator.
          author       : Provide comma separated user Ids.
                         To get user list give call to ListAccountActiveUser of account module.

   Column Name : Filter on note Created On
          comparatorId : Provide comparator Id.
                         Give call to ListFieldComparator of form module to get list of comparators.
                         Provide fieldTypeId = 4 to the call.
                         It will return list of comparators, then provide one of the required comparator.
          value        : Provide date value in the format dd/MM/yyyy

   Column Name : Filter on Object Types
          comparatorId : Provide comparator Id.
                         Give call to ListFieldComparator of form module to get list of comparators.
                         Provide fieldTypeId = 9 to the call.
                         It will return list of comparators, then provide one of the required comparator.
          objectTypes  : Provide com separated d object Ids.
                         Refer to Object Types at the top.

   Column Name : Filter on note visibility
          noteType : Provide if private or public notes are required.
                     Pass one of the note type,
                     - Public  = 1
                     - Private = 2
   Column Name : Filter on Send To
          comparatorId : Provide comparator Id.
                         Give call to ListFieldComparator of form module to get list of comparators.
                         Provide fieldTypeId = 9 to the call.
                         It will return list of comparators, then provide one of the required comparator.
          filterSentToUserIds  : Provide com separated User Id's.
                         To get user list for that note give call to  ListActiveUserAndGroup  of User module. 
                         Provide Object Type.This will return you a list of users which are accessible to that object. 
   Column Name : Filter on Attachments                                  
          isAttachmentFilter  : Provide TRUE(1) if want to apply filter on attachments.

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